Burst Forth

Posted by on Oct 4, 2014 in Uncategorized | No Comments


As spring opens up in buds and blossoms it seems like an appropriate season to open the heart.  I have found myself approaching this from various angles, like through visualizations, doing loving kindness meditations and yoga practices.  My intention is to open my heart in all situations that are challenging and continue to heal and grow into an expanded heart.

In this process, I find my mind relying on old tricks to distance me from experiencing the discomfort being in my heart.  One particular landing pad has been the space of judgement.  I find myself winding on some old mind track of judgements of how someone should react or think or do.  Or how I need to be better, work harder, or run faster.  The inner critic seems seems to life at a distant a natural barrier of my heart.

When I encounter the critical voice, I find myself judging it, “this is bad, you are bad for judging, be quiet…  ”  And guess what happens?  It gets worse, the spinning increases in intensity as the critic bombards with more bullets.  And there I am working toward an open heart stuck in surround sound of the critic?

When the track becomes too unbearable and it tires itself out, I sometimes can find a space for a minute to take a breath.  Suddenly, there is a little distance between my critical mind and my essence.  I am able to let down the sword and stop controlling the voice of judgement and move toward observing what is happening.  I can notice the theme of the tracks, and just recognize them as nothing more than a thought.

Ultimately most of these judgements serve as a layer of armor to protect me.  And how all of these energy patterns keep me distant from truly living in my heart: vulnerable, open, powerful and wise.

As spring jumps forth and invites you into it’s energy what would happen if we ride the energy of bursting forth and opening.  What would that look like?  Would it be associated with your heart, or maybe it is a conversation that feels uncomfortable or a new idea you have been holding onto?  How can we open, and work with the energy of opening, healing, releasing and accepting, and really fully burst forth into our own lives.    May we all spring forth, burst into, with ease and joy.