Leaning into the Turns

Posted by on Aug 4, 2012 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I find that living intuitively can be filled with magical coincidences that continues to open me to healing. In these moments, I am able to align to life as a joyous experience.  I am able to find center easier, trust the path and my choices.  Connecting to infinite wisdom feels incredibly freeing that helps me overcome areas of restriction.   It also continues to deepen self-awareness, which can be incredibly empowering.

I hasten to admit that early on in my intuitive development, I thought that being connected to intuition could keep me from suffering, alleviate wrong choices and keep me feeling in control.  And there are elements of this that are true.  It certainly assists me in recognizing my blind spots and can throw a big no in front of me when I am tempted to do something that may not be the best choice.  But as I live in the midst of this, I find that guidance serves with aligning to my highest good and in the process of learning, sometimes I am lead straight into a big gooey mess.

So how do we trust intuition if it doesn’t give us the right answer?  Or at least an answer that could lead us into the brick walls and paths full of poison ivy?  Part of understanding the process is to recognize right and wrong are labels pertaining to perceptions and judgments.  We may encounter a brick wall but are unaware that to the left is a giant opening or the encounter with poison ivy may not create a reaction of blistery red bumps. How can we recognize challenging situations are amazing teachers?  And that making a choice to take a job where you have a sudden lack of confidence may not be the wrong choice but a choice to help us grow. Sometimes our largest blocks are stuck perceptions and old emotions that don’t really align us to our true essence.

One of the harder things to fathom along the road is to trust the turns and twists of the experience.  Intuitive living can help us learn to hold the steering wheel with more grace, reflect upon the contrasting landscapes and make choices to slow down when it is appropriate.  It can lead us to release the tension in our face, necks and shoulders allow the drive to feel more open regardless of the terrain.  The more we learn to lean into the turns rather than resist them, the more ease the path may present.  Maybe intuition is not meant to control everything, but allow us to trust the experience more.