What is an Intuitive Coaching Session?
An Intuitive Coaching Sessions is a high-voltage experience to address present concerns offering insights and breakthroughs. You may want to unblock some stuck energy or get some assistance in manifesting, or want to create more happiness in your life. Sessions can assist in shifting patterns not serving you and possibly open a timeline for helping a dream unfold.
What can I expect from a session?
Each session begins with a prayer and a general reading. From there, the reading is open for your questions. The more specific your question, the more specific answers you will get.
How do I prepare for an appointment?
Write a list of general concerns you want to address during the allotted time, and rank them in the order of importance. Your questions are a way for you to peel back the layers of what you need to know. Often times things show up in the reading that you may not expect or know.
How will a session affect me?
You can expect deep support and love to come through the session. Often times you will feel lighter and more at ease after the appointment. Each session is as healing as informative so you may feel a little tired before and after the session. It is great to continue to nurture yourself before and after a session.
How often should I do intuitive sessions?
Intuitive sessions can offer support and guidance when going through challenging times as well as assistance in manifesting your life dreams. Regular sessions allow for you to be supported in healing and shifting patterns as well as empowering your life. It is important to follow your own rhythm, this could be once a month, or every few months.
Are phone sessions as powerful and in-person sessions?
Telephone readings are equally powerful as in-person sessions. One advantage to phone sessions is you can relax in your own environment.